Thursday, October 8, 2015

Batman V. Bane

It's been a little while since I've written a post. It's been a little while since I last exercised. So things are pretty serious. I let the ball drop. Hell, I let the ball drop, laid down on the floor, and let it roll away into oblivion. The Blerch started to win. I gave myself every excuse not to run, not to work out, not to achieve my goals. I picked more hours at work. I had been doing so well, so I deserved some rest days. Everyday the reasons to fail seemed to stack up, and I started bending under their collective weight.

My whole life is suffering as a result. I've been less motivated and driven at work. I've slacked in my duties at home. The dishes have piled up, the laundry has been done with less frequency. And as many people who have been in my position before (including myself on multiple occasions) know, the farther you slide, the harder it is to dig deep within yourself to find the motivation to climb out. Once your so far down, you feel that there's no point in even trying.
All of the greatest heroes face this moment. In fact, its a crucial element to the story of the every-man. But I don't want to be the one of the every man. I want mine to be the story of the Batman. And it's at this point that Bane has broken my back. 
And I really like Nolan's treatment of the story arc in "Dark Knight Rises." It is my time to rise. Bane is my Blerch. He is ever-present. Like he promised Gotham, he tempts me with anarchistic "freedom." I am "free" to do whatever I want. I can eat a whole pint of ice cream if I so choose. I can drink a 12 pack of cheap beer all while smoking 2 cigars at once. It would be great. For a while. And like Bane promised, that freedom has an end point, an ultimate consequence. Only with me, instead of a massive explosion, it would end with a massive beer gut.
My back broken, I am going to endure the painful road t recovery, instead of sulking in a sling. I must make that final leap out of the hole I have found myself in, like the great Batman before me. And every day it will be a struggle. Every day I will have Batman on one shoulder, telling me to push on and that the war against fear and weakness must go on. On the other shoulder is Bane, telling that resistance is futile, to live as is everyday were my last, and that anarchy is the way to be. Today, Batman is winning the day. Today, I'm taking that leap out of the pit. To that end, today's workout is Batman themed. 
And for the next 7 days, I will be working out, drawing inspiration from my heroes like Nightwing, Riddick, and others. I'm also going to be working on strengthening my core and increasing my flexibility. You can find all my workouts on Darebee. Since Batman was also trained by the league of Shadows, I am engaging in the 30 day Assassin's Challenge. Furthermore, a great chest was one of the hallmarks of the most recent portrayal of Batman. After his first night out as Batman, Bruce Wayne drops to the floor to crank out a bunch of push ups. I want a great chest. So I will be doing a bunch of push ups. A thousand push ups in the next 30 days. So even if I fail in my week-long quest, maybe I'll find the fortitude to stick to a less intense 30 day regimen. Like always, wish me luck.

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